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Christian Service



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DOWNTOWN EVENING SOUP KITCHEN is one of the organizations that we support financially. Below is a description of their current program. If anyone would like to provide additional matching contributions to this, or other non-profits that the Board of Christian Service has researched and supported, contact Jinny Schneider, chair, or send a check designated to the Board of Christian Service or Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen or other charitable organization we support. *


*scroll down to view our options for online donations.

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311 Temple St, New Haven, CT 06511

(203) 503-0107


Evening Meals Program

In order to avoid public gatherings of large numbers of people in an enclosed space, DESK is serving all dinners as “grab-and-go” in take-out containers or bags.  We currently are serving Sunday through Thursday at 5:00 pm.  We do not require any documentation or proof of eligibility or residence.






Weekly Food Pantry

DESK’s weekly Food Pantry is operating during the COVID-19 crisis as pre-prepared “grab-and-go” bags.  We are open every Wednesday between 2:00 and 3:00 pm.  We do not require any documentation or proof of eligibility or residence.  Just show up!  If this time does not work, please see this online list of pantries that are operating during pandemic.  If you are over 60, immuno-compromised, or have tested positive for COVID-19 in recent weeks, please consider signing up for the Pantry t0 Pantry Food Delivery Program (below).






Pantry to Pantry Food Delivery Program

After an extremely successful interagency effort this past spring and summer, DESK and Loaves & Fishes transferred all operations of the Pantry to Pantry program over to our partners at FISH of Greater New Haven.  Please contact (203) 503-0107 for more information.

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If you are interested in matching or donating to any of the agencies that the Christian Service Board has screened and contributed to, contact Jinny Schneider at

Online Donation Opportunities

In Person

5 Meetinghouse Lane
Woodbridge, CT 06525


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 203-389-2119

Worship with us

Every Sunday at 10:00 AM
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